October 29, 2009

It's Your Time... For Healing, For Restoration, For Victory

Have the arrows of the enemy found their mark and produced wounds in you that you have no idea how to purge or get rid of? Are you broken? Are you hurting? Wishing you could raise your head up and smile with real joy and not with just a well practiced mask that you have gotten use to wearing?

The world can be a cruel place sometimes. But the truth of the matter is, that there is an answer to pull you up and out of the doubt, out of the fear, and out of the shame.

His name is Jesus. No, I am not being trite. When the world's sparkling tinsel begins to lose its appeal because it has left you empty, God will still be standing strong in the midst of every storm with His arms open wide, saying, "Come my Daughter. Drink of the fountain I have for you... One of pure and living water from My well that never runs dry. Come and eat of the morsels from My table. There is healing in My words to you. Hope in My gifts to you. Life in My Spirit that I give to you."

His thoughts and plans are toward you and never against you.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.     Jeremiah 29:11

And His promises to you are magnificent and everlasting. Run to Him. Let Him pour out His love,  His healing, and complete restoration to you.

The life He has for you is glorious!

And it is all yours for the asking, as you place you hand, your life, in the Hand of Jesus... the Master's hand.

October 1, 2009

He Cares for You

O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed are those who put their trust in Him.

Are you hurting on the inside?

In a place that is hidden from the natural eye? Somewhere deep inside?

Then know that you are not alone.

There is a God who knows your name. He even knows the very number of hairs on your head and each and every time that changes.

God knows and cares about the sparrows and takes care of them each and every day. He knows about and clothes the grass of the field with the flowers that bloom there. He cares for them all.
And you are worth much more than these.

If He takes care of these, and He does, He will take care of you, completely and unreservedly.

Let Him begin to heal you. Trust Him with your pain, with your sorrow. He knows... He understands. Let Him bring peace into your place of pain... freedom into your place of turmoil.

He is yearning over you. Reach out. Let Him heal you completely.
There are links on this page to start you on your healing journey. Please visit them. And let the healing begin. I am praying for you. It can be done. I have walked this road. And it is good, very good.

Healing is yours!